
1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month, 7-8pm Eastern

Join fellow suicide loss survivors for a time of community and discussion

Losing someone to suicide can be alienating. Connecting with others who have also experienced this can be powerful.

The Virtual Gathering is a time of sharing, laughing, crying, and learning in a safe space without judgment. Open to anyone impacted by a suicide loss; this community is comprised of a variety of relationships and a range of timeframes since one’s loss. Register once for access to the Zoom link, then join us whenever you’d like! A trained loss survivor facilitates a discussion on a new topic each week. Listed below are some of our upcoming topics. 

Upcoming Virtual Gathering Topics:

The Mourner’s Bill of Rights pt 2

The Mourner’s Bill of Rights is a document to empower grievers to understand their grief style and create boundaries around unhelpful support.


Community Resource Series

Special Guest Shannon Ortiz hosts the Virtual Gathering

Suicide loss survivor and mental health counselor speaks on the importance of individual counseling during grief, we share tips and tricks to finding counseling resources.

The Community Resource Series will continue later in the year, as we hope to bring in more outside partners to help connect and guide you during your grief.


Goldilocks Grief

Too Little, Too much, Just right. Setting personal boundaries and limits with yourself.


Needs of Mourning pt 1

During our journey through grief and mourning, we all encounter six needs we must meet if we are to heal.


Register for the Year

Upon registration, you will receive a confirmation email with the Zoom link. This link provides access to every Virtual Gathering for the rest of 2024 – No need to register again until 2025!

Gathering 2024
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