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A Thousand Words: Scrapbooking for suicide survivors

Kobacker House 800 McConnell Dr Community Room B, Columbus, OH, United States

A Thousand Words is a scrapbooking group for survivors of suicide loss hosted by LOSS. We will meet the 3rd Saturday of every month from 1p-4p for a time of community, scrapbooking and refreshments. This will be a special time to honor a loved one or friend as part of a community of survivors who […]


Camp Hope – A 2-day retreat for grieving families

Heartland Conference Retreat Center 3201 County Road, Marengo, OH, United States

While grieving is a very personal and individual process, many of us also grieve as a family. There are unique challenges to grieving on this family level, challenges created by the existing family dynamics. Families who experience Camp Hope find it a relaxing and supportive environment, where they realize they’re safe, appreciated and understood. Certainly, […]

Scholarships Available

Our Journey Continues Conference

W Chicago City Center Hotel 172 W Adams St, Chicago, IL, United States

This conference is designed for people who have worked through the early experiences of suicide loss and have processed the earlier stages of grief, likely over a period of several years, and who are ready to engage in the next steps of sharing and healing together.  There is a conference rate for the hotel and more […]

Soul Whispers – Writing as a Way to Manifest Healing

Writing can Manifest Healing This experiential workshop will provide the opportunity for participants to discover how writing can be used to explore the raw intensity of loss, console the grieving person, seek solidarity in a shared loss and make meaning of an unsought passage. Through lecture, writing and small group reflection, participants will explore the […]


A Thousand Words: Scrapbooking for suicide survivors

Kobacker House 800 McConnell Dr Community Room B, Columbus, OH, United States

A Thousand Words is a scrapbooking group for survivors of suicide loss hosted by LOSS. We will meet the 3rd Saturday of every month from 1p-4p for a time of community, scrapbooking and refreshments. This will be a special time to honor a loved one or friend as part of a community of survivors who […]


AFSP’s Out of the Darkness Walk for Columbus Ohio

Alum Creek State Park South Old State Road, Lewis Center, OH, United States

Join us at this years American Foundation for Suicide Prevention's Out of the Darkness Walk. Check is begins at 12:00p Walk begins at 2:00p Contact Molly Boggs with questions:  

A Thousand Words: Scrapbooking for suicide survivors

Kobacker House 800 McConnell Dr, Columbus, OH, United States

A Thousand Words is a scrapbooking group for survivors of suicide loss hosted by LOSS. We will meet the 3rd Saturday of every month from 1p-4p for a time of community, scrapbooking and refreshments. This will be a special time to honor a loved one or friend as part of a community of survivors who […]


International Survivor of Suicide Day

Grange Audubon Center 505 W Whittier St, Columbus, OH, United States

Join fellow survivors at the Grange Insurance Audubon Center for 2016 International Survivor of Suicide Day. You will find a beautiful view of the city as well as peaceful natural landscapes at the Grange Audubon Center. We will enjoy breakfast, hear from fellow survivors, receive resources and make a remembrance craft compliments of Cornerstone of […]


A Thousand Words: Scrapbooking for suicide survivors

Kobacker House 800 McConnell Dr Community Room B, Columbus, OH, United States

A Thousand Words is a scrapbooking group for survivors of suicide loss hosted by LOSS. We will meet the 3rd Saturday of every month from 1p-4p for a time of community, scrapbooking and refreshments. This will be a special time to honor a loved one or friend as part of a community of survivors who […]


A Thousand Words: Scrapbooking for suicide survivors

Kobacker House 800 McConnell Dr Community Room B, Columbus, OH, United States

A Thousand Words is a scrapbooking group for survivors of suicide loss hosted by LOSS. We will meet the 3rd Saturday of every month from 1p-4p for a time of community, scrapbooking and refreshments. This will be a special time to honor a loved one or friend as part of a community of survivors who […]


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