Forever Young

Forever Young came out when Fred and I were just dating. I knew when I saw the video and listened to the lyrics that it would be a song I […]

A suicide survivor’s vacation

Tomorrow I leave on a week-long vacation with a friend. I will rest. I will laugh. I will relax. But first I have to get there… First I have to […]

Journey into 2015

Grief is lonely. In my experience grief due to a suicide loss is especially isolating. It’s now been 2 1/2 years since my son died. I’m not sure if this is […]

Living with guilt after suicide

It’s my 3rd Christmas and there are still no Christmas decorations. Robbie didnt take issue with it until last weekend. He announced that next year we will decorate. When I […]

Goodnight Drey

“Goodnight Drey.” Such a simple statement.  Such a powerful statement.  It sent me into tears Tuesday evening. Robbie and I attended our first Compassionate Friends group.  We liked it.  We […]

The balancing act of the mind after a suicide

When dealing with a difficult, challenging situation I like to have as much information as possible. However that’s not how I’ve handled my baby’s death. There are plenty of details […]

“Good” days and bad days

Today is a “good” day. It’s hard to say that – what kind of Mom has a “good” day when her son is gone? But for now the definition of […]