This will be a fun, casual event for people in Columbus gathering around local food, micro-brew and coffee roast. We will Rela (te) to a cause… Suicide Awareness and Mental Health
*All proceeds benefit Franklin County Local Outreach to Suicide Survivors*
Denise Meine-Graham is a former corporate executive who’s world nearly shattered on August 8, 2012 when her only child, Drey, died by suicide.
Since losing Drey, Denise has taken her personal passion for serving others who are bereaved by suicide and married this with her business experience. In 2014 she started Franklin County LOSS (Local Outreach to Suicide Survivors) in Columbus Ohio. LOSS’s mission is to be an installation of hope by providing resources, understanding and support to the bereaved by suicide. LOSS consists of trained volunteers who serve survivors of a suicide loss both as first responders and as they learn to integrate this loss into their life.
Gabe Howard is a professional speaker and an award-winning writer who battles bipolar and anxiety disorders everyday. Diagnosed in 2003, he has made it his mission to put a human face on what it means to live with mental illness. Gabe was the recipient of the 2014 Mental Health America Norman Guitry Award, placed second in HealthCentral’s LiveBold competition, a Psych Central 2014 Mental Health hero, was a 2015 WEGO Health Awards Finalist in the Health Activist Category, as well as received a Best of the Web – Blog award. He is a regular writer for for Bipolar Magazine and Psych Central. Gabe can be found online at
Juliet C. Dorris-Williams is the Executive Director of The P.E.E.R. Center (Peers Enriching Each others’ Recovery) in Columbus, Ohio. Ms. Dorris-Williams oversees the operations of a peer support, wellness, and recovery effort that operates daily, with a staff of 26. Like each of the staff members and a majority of the board of directors of The PEER Center, she is a person walking the recovery journey. Mental Health America of Franklin County has honored her with two awards: The Larry Burkett Peer Support Award in 2007, and in 2011 the Norman Guitry Award for demonstration of exceptional leadership in the promotion of mental health and wellness.
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