We need volunteers and donations to include in Care Baskets!
Saturday, October 24th, 2015 is National Make a Difference Day.
You can volunteer or drop off donations to include in Care Baskets for the newly bereaved from 11a-2p.
We are also looking for 15 volunteers to help us assemble the Care Baskets and Resource folders.
Register here to volunteer: http://makeadifferenceday.com/dashboard/project/suicide-postvention-works
or email franklincountylossteam@gmail.com
Our goal is to make 30 Care Baskets and 200 Resource folders!
Items needed:
~ Baskets – any size
~ Pens
~ Journals
~ 4×6 picture frames
~ Votive candles & holders
~ Water bottles
~ Tissues – small packs
~ Chocolates of any kind
~ Inspirational messages on small items like book marks
~ Gift cards for yoga classes or massages
~ Stress balls
~ Small denomination gift cards to local lunch and coffee shops
~ Financial gifts are also appreciated and will go directly towards Care Baskets and Resource Folders items!
We will have cookies, beverages, music and dancing (assuming you will do the dancing!)
Join us for this fun event and make a difference in the lives of those bereaved by suicide!
[button linking=”new_window” link=”http://franklincountyloss.org/site/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/SOS-Franklin-County-groups.pdf” align=”center” size=”medium” type=”standard” style=”solid” ]Ongoing Support Groups[/button]