
10/10/2017 - 10/11/2017    
All Day

Beginning October 10 at 10 a.m.

What is the BIG GIVE?

A dynamic, 26-hour online event to support more than 700 nonprofit organizations working to strengthen and improve our communities, The Big Give is your opportunity to support Survivors of Suicide Loss by giving to Franklin County LOSS through The Giving Store, the Columbus Foundation’s new digital marketplace.


The Columbus Foundation, its family of donors, and corporate partners are providing a $1.3 MILLION+ BONUS POOL for The Big Give. Donations received during the 26-hour rally will be eligible for bonus pool funds based on a pro rata basis. Everyone who gives will have their donation(s) amplified!

100% to Nonprofits

100% of your donation goes to Franklin County LOSS and is Tax-Deductible. All credit card fees will be covered by The Columbus Foundation, so 100 percent of donations go to Franklin County LOSS.


Columbus Foundation BIG GIVE 2017
Click image above to donate starting October 10th!

Quick Facts
  • The minimum credit card gift is $20 using a major credit card (VISA, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express).
  • Everyone making a donation will receive an email confirming receipt of their donation.
  • Donations, once made, cannot be rescinded.